Bringing digital transformation
to tangible results

Stories and Casestudies from our work

Case Studies Intro

20% +

claim cost reduction


paperless workflow


fast track claim payment


saving on fraud damage expenses


How our solutions
help others

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In 2019, it is 25 years since the Revauxy Global Hub has been providing solution to various insurance companies, digitizing and streamlining steps in various types of claims processes.

In 2019, it is 15 years of the SmartClaiMS first implementation.

We deliver tailor-made solutions, end-to-end process services for the insurance business – from small single desk offices to national and international structures with over 300 representative locations. We deliver next-generation secured infrastructure and modern applications. And refine them all the time.

We are open to share our first hand domain knowledge on the insurance industry document and work flow management processes, mainly on how to further shorten, simplify and transform them to provide better customer experience and higher ROI.

Our customers, whom we consider partners and close friends from working together throughout the years, are also willing to share their opinion on how Revauxy Global Hub has supported them in their journey towards a more digital, customer –centric and efficient customer satisfaction.


See our portfolio